
Lipofectamine 转染试剂

Lipofectamine Transfection Reagent is one of our first-generation, cationic-lipid transfection reagents formulated for the transfection of DNA into eukaryotic cells. Lipofectamine Transfection Reagent

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司

X-tremeGENE siRNA Transfection Reagent

X-tremeGENE siRNA Transfection Reagent efficiently delivers short interfering RNA (siRNA) into many commonly used cell types including HeLa, NIH 3T3, HEK-293, CHO-K1, and COS-7, and several hard-to-tr

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司

PolyJet™ DNA转染试剂


商家询价 济南思科生物科技有限公司


性能特点: 1. 显著提高转染效率和细胞存活率 2. 适用于难转染细胞等几乎所有细胞类型 3. 与所有电融合/电穿孔仪兼容

商家询价 百恩维生物科技有限公司

Polyethylenimine, Linear, MW 25000, Transfection Grade (PEI 25K)

PEI 25K is a powerful, trusted, and cost-effective transient transfection reagent. In HEK293 and CHO expression systems, PEI offers consistently high gene expression on a wide scale (96 well plates up

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司

jetPEI transfection reagent

Well-suited for adherent and suspension cells. Fast and efficient methods to transfect cells for HTS. Compatible with serum and antibiotics. Exceptionally reproducible results. Reverse, batch & fo

商家询价 北京百奥创新科技有限公司


METAFECTENER PRO 是针对新标准的哺乳动物细胞转染的最新一代转染试剂。 采用结合专利毒性优化(TOP)技术,Biontex 成功地在显著提高RMA 功能促进DNA 释放进入细胞的效率的同时最小化了对细胞的毒性。

商家询价 深圳市库源生物科技有限公司

GenJet™ DNA转染试剂


商家询价 济南思科生物科技有限公司